Cookies policy

Cookies Policy

The site, like many others, uses small files called cookies to help customize your experience. Learn more about cookies and how you can control them.

This page contains information about what cookies are, the cookies on this site, how to disable cookies in your browser, how to disable third-party advertising cookies, and also useful links with more details about this subject. If you need more information, or if you have further questions about the use of cookies at, please contact us at

What are "cookies"?

Cookies are small text files stored by your browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store things as users' preferences. Cookies are like the "memory" of the site, allowing you to recognize a user and respond appropriately.

How does this site use cookies?

A visit to a page of this site may generate the following types of cookies:

Website performance cookies

Website Analytics Cookies

Geotargeting Cookies

Registration Cookies

Session Cookies

Advertising Cookies

Advertising vendor cookies

Some of these cookies may be placed by third parties.

Website performance cookies

This type of cookie reminds you of your preferences for the tools found on this site, so you do not have to configure them each time. Examples include: recently viewed lists, the type of device used - desktop or mobile, the number of products added to the cart, etc.

Geotargeting Cookies

This cookies are used to know the country where you are through information provided by your browser when you access a web page. This cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content and advertising. Examples include: storage of country code, after IP based detection.

Registration Cookies

These cookies store the specific data of a certain user (user code, email address, preferences about storing authentication information). When you register on our site, we generate cookies that tell you whether or not you are registered. Our servers use these cookies to know what account is logged in and to show you the information associated with your account.

Session Cookies

The session cookie is automatically generated when you access the site and is used to manage web applications (HTTP protocol, fill in some forms, interaction with specific site elements, etc.). This cookie is automatically deleted when you close your browser.

Advertising vendor cookies

On certain pages, third-party service providers can set up their own anonymous cookies, in order to track the success of an application or to customize an application. These cookies may be placed by third parties such as Web Analytics Services (eg Google Analytics), advertising services (eg Google AdSense), social media platforms (eg Facebook), chat applications for clients, etc.

The companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies, and we do not have access to read or write these cookies. The third party services can not access the cookies belonging to this site. For example, when you share an article using the social media button on this site, the social network that created the button will record that you did this.

How can I disable cookies?

It is usually possible to prevent a browser from accepting cookies, or to stop accepting cookies from a certain site. For example, we can not know if you are logged in or not using cookies, and you will not be able to post comments.

All modern browsers allow you to modify your cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in your browser's "Options" or "Preferences" menu. To better understand these things, the following links might be helpful, or you can use your browser's "Help" option for more details.

If you are especially concerned about third-party cookies generated by advertising services, you can disable them by going to Your Online Choices.

You can also visit the representative of these advertising platforms for more information: Network Advertising Initiative. They have provided a place that collects all opt-out options. Keep in mind that many more networks are listed on this site compared to the networks we use on this site.

Microsoft Cookies Guide

All about Cookies